Assalamualaikum, guy
hope everything goes smoothly.
today i got my result for semesta 4.
there are no words that I can say now but i can say thanks n be grateful because I got the good result even a small heart I say I was very weak and lazy. hem kata orang benda dah lepas jangan dikenangkan lagi. ya that right. i work hard this semesta tapi atas beberapa subjek jelah . every night I will sleep in at 3 and 4 am because I accomplish a few outstanding works while listening to the song nightmare hehehe its so cool beb ... hehe I think Avenged Sevenfold are also praying for my success .... loL ... I was only joking (what the joke) but the result was so good for my satisfaction. mata bengkak, tak cukup tidur tapi itulah kehidupan aku untuk semesta 4 . . . hemm nice life. i think my friends result lagi terer kot hehehe.... its okey that your effort so you have to got the good result. Alhamdulillah sekali lagi. hope that next semesta i will do my best lagi baik dari sem lepas I want to achieve my goals. BTW tengs for my friends yang dah banyak tolong khalida sepanjang semesta 4 maybe I overlooked what should I do so i'am so so so sory n thank you very much... and tak lupa untuk warga rumah 4D13 teng, you are very owesome, yeahhh
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